PHP Online Exam Software

Educational Management

Today Online Examination System has become a fast growing examination method because of its speed and accuracy. It is also needed less manpower to execute the examination. Almost all organizations now-a-days, are conducting their objective exams by online examination system, it saves students time in examinations. Organizations can also easily check the performance of the student that they give in an examination. As a result of this, organizations are releasing results in less time. It also helps the environment by saving paper. Exam Management PHP Software is a MCQ based examination system that provides an easy to use environment for both Test Conductors and students. There are five different levels of user with different access level to control the application.

User Demo

Admin Demo


Online Exam Portal Software

Today Online Examination System has become a fast growing examination method because of its speed and accuracy. It is also needed less manpower to execute the examination. Almost all organizations now-a-days, are conducting their objective exams by online examination system, it saves students time in examinations. Organizations can also easily check the performance of the student that they give in an examination. As a result of this, organizations are releasing results in less time. It also helps the environment by saving paper. Online Exam Management PHP script is a MCQ based examination system that provides an easy to use environment for both Test Conductors and students. There are five different levels of user with different access level to control the application.

Online Exam Script has the following roles:

  • Login for Super Admin, Admin, Moderator, Teacher, Student
  • Manage Categories
  • Add/ View Exams
  • Manage Users
  • Subscriptions
  • Payments
  • Teachers
  • Students
  • Exam Results
  • Internal Messaging

For use on any personal, commercial, or client projects.

Hosting Requirements

MySQL 5.0 or higher, Apache module, PHP 5.3 or higher, Linux Server

Server Requirements

Apache Server
Code Igniter PHP framework
MYSQL database

Payment Type

One time Payment :- Once you send the full payment we will give you the entire script files to you, there after you don’t want to pay any thing.

Delivery Time

We will Send the Download Link to you Within 24 hrs On Working Days(Monday- Friday) And the scripts will deliver within 48 hours On Weekend(Saturday -Sunday)